Sunday, December 2, 2012

Early Intervention Links

These are the links to all of the articles I've looked at over the semester on the topic of Early Intervention Services.

Early Intervention Programs for Children and Families: Theoretical and Empirical Bases Supporting their Social and Economic Efficiency
There is evidence that supports the need and "social relevancy" of using early intervention preventative programs for kids and families that are at risk of toxic stress. Experiences that disrupt important prenatal and early child development can produce long-lasting negative impacts on the physical psychological health.

Past Successes Shape Effort to Expand Early Intervention
This article was about the outcomes of the original kids who were in the HighScope/Perry Preschool Project, the Abecedarian Project, and the Chicago Longitudinal Study. There are positive outcomes in their adult lives that can be linked to the positive preschooling.

Intensive Early Intervention Behavioral Therapy could cure autism But HealthPartners and other insurance companies won't pay for it
It is a shame that some insurance companies won't/can't(?) cover a family that is using early intervention services/therapies for their young child. The family switched coverages from HealthPartners to Medical Assistance to cover the boy's therapy (paid for my MN tax dollars). The article discusses government issues.

New Evidence That Early Therapy Helps Autistic Kids
This article tells about a few different studies being done that have strong evidence to show that early intervention services work. The focus is on the Early Start Denver Model which deeply involves parents, and combines 2 types of autism.

Early Intervention in Autism
This article goes over a few different types of interventions for children with autism. It tells about a lot of different programs and interventions

Study: Early autism intervention in toddlers is effective
A CNN article similar to the TIME magazine article with more of a general information about how early intervention is proven to help children that show early signs of autism.

Federal Funding for Early Childhood Care and Education Programs
This article is more focused on early child care and education programs than early intervention, interesting to know that there is more funding available out there than people seem to know about, but not exactly helpful on my topic.

Outcomes of Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism in Mainstream Pre-School Settings
This article focuses on interventions during mainstream schooling and the positive effectiveness of it. The difference with this one would be that there aren't as many hours in the day devoted to the intervention, yet it still was effective.

A Pilot Study of the Effects of an Australian Centre-Based Early Intervention Program for Children with Autism
This study was focused on an Australian based center with a program called AEIOU. It was a test of the AEIOU programs effectiveness.

Early Social Interaction Project for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Beginning in the Second Year of Life: A Preliminary Study
This article focuses on the components that are important to having effective interventions for children with ASD.

Focused on where the funding for interventions should come from and talked specifically about the Pennsylvania Act 62 of 2008.

Ages and Stages Questionnaires:Social Emotional (ASQ:SE)
Site where I found the ASQ

6 Month ASQ:SE Questionnaire
ASQ we will be using in class